佩通坦上任之后将招商引资作为经济驱动计划之一,并提出将在2025年继续拉动重要领域投资。11月21日,她在"2025年泰国机遇-希望-真理"研讨会上发表演讲,提出了未来泰国经济的新三大发展机遇,分别如下:泰国拥有强大的食品产业基础,素有"世界厨房"之称。政府计划引入食品保鲜技术,提升食品出口能力,确保泰国产品出口后仍能保持高质量。泰国通过"30泰铢看病"(30 Baht Universal Healthcare)的政策赢得国际声誉,如今已发展为"30泰铢全国通用"的模式,被全球认可并广受推崇。泰国的医疗服务在国际上享有盛名,吸引了许多海外人士来泰就医。政府计划进一步发展,将泰国打造成健康产业中心(Health Hub),让全世界都认为如果想要改善健康状况,首选的目的地应该是泰国。泰国的文化对外国游客具有强大吸引力。政府致力于将各类节庆活动相互结合,吸引外国游客全年来泰旅游,延长其在泰逗留时间,增加在泰消费,为经济注入更多活力。佩通坦表示,泰国需要引入新的资金来源,尤其是吸引来自国外的投资。身为连续11年泰国最大贸易伙伴国,中企可在今后持续关注泰国投资相关信息。
厦门市投资贸易(泰国)服务点(简称"泰国服务点") 经厦门市商务局批准成立,于 2022 年11月15日正式授权泰国东盟加六国贸易促进会、厦门市兴源兴国际文化发展有限公司(东盟文化经济交流中心)为承建单位。同期,泰国服务点在中国厦门、泰国曼谷两地正式成立。Xiamen Investment and Trade Service Center (Thailand) (here in after referred to as "the Liason Office in Thailand") was established with the approval of Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Commerce on November 15, 2022. Thai-ASEAN+6 Business Promotion Association, Xiamen Xingyuanxing International Cultural Development Co.Ltd. (ASEAN Culture & Economic Exchange Center) was officially authorized as the undertaker. In the same period, the Liason Office in Thailand was formally inaugurated in Xiamen, China and Bangkok, Thailand.
Xiamen Xingyuanxing International Cultural Development Co.Ltd.(ASEAN Culture & Economic Exchange Center) is a subsidiary institution of Thai-ASEAN+6 Business Promotion Association. It leverages the headquarter’s resource advantages to promote cultural, economic, and educational exchanges and cooperation between China and ASEAN. The liason office in Thailand aims to assist Xiamen in attracting investment and talent from ASEAN countries, providing professional services in areas such as economic cooperation, policy regulations, risk prevention and talent development to help Xiamen enterprises expand into the international market. It also promotes Xiamen enterprises "going out" and overseas investment "coming in" to add new impetus to Xiamen's economic high-quality development.
泰国东盟加六国贸易促进由原东盟秘书长素林阁下倡议,在泰国注册成立,现任主席由知名侨领,著名实业家、教育家、慈善家罗宗正博士担任,泰国东盟加六国贸易促进会是由泰国、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、文莱、越南、老挝、缅甸、柬埔寨以及中国、 日本、韩国、印度、澳大利亚、新西兰的资深政治家,外交家,工商界、文化教育艺术界知名人士,华侨华人等精英联合组成。其在中国厦门设立"中国代表处",创建"东盟文化经济交流中心"从事中国—东盟的文化、教育与经贸交流;在泰国巴真府打造"泰国金池工业园",为赴泰国投资的中国企业提供一站式服务。该会始终致力于增进政府间友好往来,汇聚创新共识,为推动东盟十国加六国之间的民间经贸、文化教育等领域的交流与合作发挥积极的桥梁纽带作用。Thai-ASEAN+6 Business Promotion Association is headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand, founded under the initiative of H.E. Surin Pitsuwan, the former Secretary-General of ASEAN, and currently chaired by Dr. Vichit Lolurlert, a famous industrialist, educator, philanthropist and overseas Chinese leader. The Association is composed of senior statesmen, diplomats, well-known figures in the business, culture, education and art circles as well as overseas Chinese from 10 ASEAN countries, and other 6 countries including China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand. It has set up "China Representative Office" and "ASEAN Culture & Economic Exchange Center" in Xiamen, to engage in cultural, educational, economic and trade exchanges between China and ASEAN; The Association was also involved in the establishment of "Borthong Industrial Estate" in Prachin Buri Province, Thailand, to provide one-stop services for Chinese enterprises investing in Thailand. Thai-ASEAN+6 Business Promotion Association has always been committed to enhancing friendly inter-governmental exchanges, gathering innovative consensus, and playing an active role as a bridge to promote cultural, educational, economic exchanges and cooperations among ASEAN and other six countries.